速報APP / 通訊 / Call Blocker & Number Blacklist

Call Blocker & Number Blacklist





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:Bagsvaerdvej 90 2800 Kgs. Lyngby Denmark

Call Blocker & Number Blacklist(圖1)-速報App

Call Block is the best call blocker app to identify phone numbers and stop any unwanted calls.

Call Blocker & Number Blacklist(圖2)-速報App

This free call blocker app for Android helps you to block calls you receive from unwanted numbers, even if the number is not in your contact list. Using our huge database of over one billion numbers, the Call Block app’s caller ID precisely identifies callers from all over the world. You will instantly be shown detailed information about any call you receive and will be able to use the call blocker function to block the number and protect your phone immediately.

Call Blocker & Number Blacklist(圖3)-速報App

Take back control of your privacy with this essential app to block calls – stop spam, telemarketers, and other unwanted calls as soon as the phone rings.

Call Blocker & Number Blacklist(圖4)-速報App

The advantages of Call Block:

Call Blocker & Number Blacklist(圖5)-速報App

• Caller ID: Each time you receive a call you will instantly see who is calling.

Call Blocker & Number Blacklist(圖6)-速報App

• Call block: You will be able to easily block calls or block numbers. Avoid the scams, sales, frauds, telemarketing, surveys and similar calls.

Call Blocker & Number Blacklist(圖7)-速報App

• Blacklist: You can add any unwanted numbers to your personal “Blacklist”. You can also block a range of numbers with certain first digits.

• You will also be able to add the caller to your contacts list or send them a reply SMS directly from the caller ID screen.

• Instantly customized: Easy access to settings if you want to customize the app.

• Quick and easy to use: Just download this free call blocker app and have all the functions added to your phone right away.